Edge vs. Cloud Computing

Edge vs. Cloud Computing: Unraveling the Key Differences

In today’s day and age, cloud computing has transformed the world, revolutionizing the way businesses operate. On the other hand, edge computing has proven a game-changer, empowering organizations with unparalleled capabilities to speed up business processes. Yet, many people find it difficult to differentiate the two. If you are in the same boat, don’t worry! In this blog, we will distinguish the two technologies, equipping you with the knowledge to harness the full potential of both cloud and edge computing. Get ready to embark on an enlightening journey as we unravel the mysteries behind these powerful innovations. Continue reading until the end to find out!

Before diving into the edge vs. cloud debate, let’s understand edge computing and cloud computing in more detail.

Cloud Computing

The term ‘cloud computing’ refers to storing and processing data on the cloud. It can be accessed at any time, irrespective of your physical location. Since data storage in the cloud demands hosting through servers, software, and networking, it is known as cloud computing. Cloud computing service providers are responsible for maintaining these servers.

Through virtualization, cloud providers can optimize the utilization of their data center resources, allowing them to extract the utmost value. Many corporations have embraced the cloud delivery model for their on-premises infrastructure, enabling them to achieve maximum efficiency and cost savings compared to traditional IT setups. Additionally, this approach empowers organizations to provide self-service capabilities and enhanced agility to their end-users.

Edge Computing

The term ‘edge computing’ refers to a distributed IT architecture where data storage and computation remain close to the data sources. Since it enables fast data processing without compromising data security and bandwidth, it is known as edge computing. This way, businesses can benefit from quick response times, timely insights, and higher bandwidth.

Edge computing facilitates real-time predictive analysis and in-depth insights by leveraging the expanding computing power within the devices. This heightened analytical capability within edge devices fuels innovation, improving quality and added value.

What Describes the Relationship Between Edge Computing and Cloud Computing?

Edge computing is a part of cloud computing. While edge computing involves hosting applications in close proximity to the end users or data sources, cloud computing requires hosting applications in a central data center within the cloud.

Edge Computing vs. Cloud Computing

Since the concept of virtualization vs. cloud computing has been discussed earlier, it is time for you to know the differences between edge and cloud computing.

We have compiled the most significant specifications that will help you distinguish between the two:

The Approach

Edge computing is a data management approach that involves positioning data closer to its point of origin. This enables swift responses to fluctuations in demand and promotes seamless information access. On the other hand, cloud computing is a data storage and processing method that utilizes remote servers instead of local systems. While it allows users the flexibility to access their files anytime and anywhere, it no longer controls data once it is uploaded to servers operated by external entities.

As the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to grow, edge computing has emerged as a decentralized and distributed computing infrastructure. IoT devices often generate data that requires rapid processing and real-time analysis. CloudOps addresses this using a central, cloud-based location, typically a distant data center. Alternatively, edge computing reduces the necessity to transfer data to the cloud by decentralizing computation, storage, and analysis to the devices at the point of data generation.

Processing of Data

Data processing involves collecting and manipulating digital data to generate meaningful information. Any alteration of information that an observer can perceive falls under the umbrella of data processing.

On the other hand, edge computing prioritizes rapid and high-volume data processing near the data source, enabling real-time, action-oriented solutions. Hence, it stands out from traditional models that centralize processing power in on-premise data centers. While edge computing offers deterministic behavior as one of its notable advantages, cloud services often lack real-time guarantees and exhibit non-deterministic performance due to the sharing of computing and network resources.

Primary Focus

Edge computing emphasizes real-time data processing and device-to-device communication, whereas cloud computing is designed for storing and processing substantial volumes of unstructured data simultaneously.

While cloud computing is suitable for managing non-time-sensitive data, edge computing excels in processing time-driven data. In remote areas where connectivity to a centralized location is limited or unreliable, edge computing is preferred due to its ability to mitigate latency. It is an optimal solution for local storage requirements in these locations, effectively functioning as a compact data center.

Mobiz: Your Go-To Cloud Services Provider

Implementing the latest edge or cloud computing strategies has become essential for businesses in today’s world. To make it easier for you, Mobiz, a cloud solutions provider, is a firm that helps companies transition from traditional on-premise infrastructure to cloud computing. At Mobiz, we have a dedicated team of seasoned professionals who work relentlessly to ensure a secure migration process to the cloud. If you have questions and queries about edge computing and cloud computing relationships, contact us today; our customer service representative will assist you! Call us at (909) 453-6700.

Final Thoughts

While most organizations are familiar with data storage and management on cloud computing, edge computing provides many benefits to businesses by offering real-time data processing and proximity to data sources. Both cloud computing and edge computing have unique advantages and applications, catering to different data processing needs. Understanding the difference between edge and cloud computing empowers businesses to leverage their strengths and make informed decisions. By harnessing the potential of both technologies, organizations can unlock innovation, enhance efficiency, and stay ahead in the dynamic digital era. Stay tuned to explore further possibilities and maximize the benefits of edge and cloud computing.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between edge computing and cloud computing?

The main difference between edge computing and cloud computing is that edge computing processes time-sensitive data, whereas cloud computing processes non-time-triggered data.

What is the relationship between edge computing and cloud computing?

Edge computing falls under the umbrella of different subsections that form cloud computing. Cloud computing hosts applications in the core data center, while edge computing hosts applications near the end users.

What are the benefits of edge vs. cloud?

The main advantage of using Edge over cloud computing is that it yields more efficient data management. Besides, it offers higher security at a relatively lower cost, making it more reliable and consistent for a stable connection.

The Crucial Differences Between IT Consulting and Managed Services

A managed services provider may be a more hands-on technology partner, guiding your decisions and fitting their solutions to your needs. But some companies don’t need that level of engagement and when you need expertise for a project, IT consulting is the way to go.

IT Consulting Vs. Managed Services, Which is Right for You?

For a business needing outside IT help, the choices can be daunting. There are so many companies out there that offer customized solutions to IT needs and other services, it is difficult to know where to start. Fortunately MOBIZ is a different kind of technology company.

This blog will explore the differences between IT consulting and managed services, what situations are right for each, and how MOBIZ combines the two to create a lasting technology partner that will help any business lower costs, improve operations, and do business better.

Managed Services

When done on your own, technology can be expensive. Not only do you need to hire and train the right people, but your department has to be the right mix of ongoing support for day to day operations and planning for growth. Both are equally critical to the success of your business but for organizations with limited means, it is extremely difficult to accomplish both at the same time.

A managed services provider is a company that is contracted to perform either as an extension of your existing IT department or as your entire IT department. They can manage IT infrastructure and end-user systems or concentrate on specific goals such as compliance, security, infrastructure as a service, or proactive risk assessment. They are more concerned with day to day operations but the right provider can also provide vCIO services and IT assessments that help you plan for the future. This advice is usually tempered along the lines of the services they already provide and while isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it does hamper your ability to choose what you want.

IT Consulting Services

A consultant is an advisor that is more concerned with how to use IT in such a way that will address their current business goals and find solutions for specific issues. A consultant is called when you have a project that needs to be completed or a company has grown to where they need strategic guidance for their IT and related infrastructures in response to growth or industry changes. For example, a company may need to connect warehouses through a custom-built intranet, a consultant would provide the technical expertise so a solid plan can be developed and carried out.

IT consulting is more about advising and helping their clients modernize with the real-world tools they need to meet immediate and future issues. The consultant investigates an issue or a need, analyzes the best outcome, and develops a plan that can be implemented by the client alone or with further outside help.

At MOBIZ, we are consultants that thrive on a challenge and by leveraging our extensive expertise with the latest technology, we can ensure you get the IT solutions you need to compete.

How MOBIZ Combines the Two

Throughout our company history, MOBIZ has developed our IT partnerships by solving our clients immediate needs. We are consultants that thrive on a challenge and by leveraging our extensive expertise with the latest technology.

Traditional managed services model will handle the day to day responsibilities for you, but MOBIZ is different. We’re here to help you tackle the big-picture tasks. Whether you want to upgrade your servers, tighten network security, or move your data to the cloud, large IT projects require a business to invest time and capital in the management of these projects.

Once the work is done, you may find that the company that built your custom solution is the one that is best equipped to help you manage it. This is how we can combine the project mentality of a consultant with the managed security an MSP has to offer.

What are your IT challenges? Reach out to MOBIZ today and let’s get them solved.

What Are the Benefits of Cloud Computing and the Downsides Associated With It?

Over the past ten years, cloud computing has transformed business operations in various ways. It has enabled companies to store, process, and manage data and applications efficiently without paying a hefty amount. As a result, businesses have become more scalable, agile, and responsive to the needs of customers and clients with maximum productivity, growth, and innovation. So, if you are looking for ways to take your business to the next level, cloud computing offers what you are looking for! But before implementing new technologies, you need to evaluate all the pros and cons associated with them. This blog will provide you with all the benefits of cloud computing and the downsides you should know before making an informed decision. Keep reading till the end to find out!

Advantages of Cloud Computing

Here is a list of cloud computing advantages that are worth noting:

Cost Effective

The most significant advantage of cloud computing is that it allows customers to pay for their required resources without additional charges. These expenses are quite transparent; hence, you don’t need to worry about incurring unexpected costs in the future. This way, companies can reap all the benefits of cloud infrastructure without purchasing hardware or equipment.

Highly Secure

Cloud service providers have developed a highly secure solution for businesses to store data on the cloud. It offers various advanced features to ensure your data always remains secure. With updated software and security protocols in place, your data becomes less susceptible to a wide range of cybersecurity risks and threats. This may include data breaches and employee thefts that can affect your data security.

Partnered with Azure, Mobiz is a leading cybersecurity service provider that offers automated cloud management services. Our team of highly skilled cloud security experts ensures that your cloud applications comply with the latest security regulations and standards. This way, you can safeguard cloud applications and data stored on various platforms and avoid the risk of any gaps in your cloud security coverage.

Easy to Access

With a cloud computing system, you only need an internet connection to access your data. It doesn’t matter if your employees work on-site or remotely; they can access the cloud from anywhere without any restrictions.

Backup and Recovery

As long as your data is stored on the cloud, you can back it up quickly. Besides, automated backups do not require manual intervention; hence, they minimize the possibility of human errors. In addition, it provides an efficient recovery plan with minimal downtime to prevent the risk of data loss during system failures.

Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

Here are some of the downsides of switching to cloud computing:

Dependency on Internet Connectivity

Despite all the benefits of cloud services, it can be vulnerable to technical problems, like outages. With no connectivity to the internet, you cannot access the data, applications, or software stored on the cloud. Due to this reason, you need to look beyond. Even if the cloud service provider offers regular maintenance, you may occasionally need help with technical issues.

Cloud Migration Costs

Cloud migration services can put a dent in your wallet. In addition to this, the process of migrating to the cloud can be quite time-consuming. To avoid such issues, cloud providers like Mobiz offer solutions that match your specific requirements to reduce costs associated with cloud migration. It helps minimize the manual efforts, time, and overall expenses using Terraform pre-defined templates, leveraging CAF Terraform to deliver highly automated Azure Cloud landing zones, platforms & services (PaaS/IaaS). It allows you to create, change, and improve infrastructure without compromising data safety. Moreover, you can automate the deployment and provisioning of resources without errors and misconfigurations.

Limited Control and Flexibility

Since cloud providers monitor and manage the cloud infrastructure, companies may need more options to control their data, services, and applications. Therefore, it can restrict customers from accessing key administration services, such as cloud operations services.

Lack of Technical Support

Businesses that rely on cloud services want full support because technical issues can occur anytime. With prompt support, companies can fix such problems on time. In such situations, they have to hire additional technical staff, which can be expensive and time-consuming. Besides, this increases the possibility of delays while completing the task.

To solve these issues and provide exceptional support to our valuable customers, Mobiz has created multiple delivery and support centers to resolve technical problems across many regions. It provides 24/7 technical support to help businesses of all sizes across the globe.

All in All

Now that you know all the pros of cloud computing, it will be easier to decide whether you should switch to cloud computing or not. For instance, Google Cloud benefits businesses by offering scalable infrastructure at cost-effective prices, whereas Microsoft Azure provides hybrid cloud solutions, scalability, and seamless integration. Apart from cloud computing benefits, you need to assess all the limitations that come with it. Many factors can affect your business processes, from technical issues to lack of assistance. Hence, you must ensure that your decision to switch to cloud computing aligns with your business objectives and goals while maximizing the productivity and efficiency of your organization.

A Complete Guide to Network Security Levels

Over the years, cybercriminals have come up with increasingly complex ways to compromise business security. Whether you run a small venture or a large enterprise, your corporate network security can be vulnerable to a broad range of cyber attacks. To avoid the risk of cyber threats, it is crucial to understand the levels of network security. This blog will provide you with all the information you need to implement the appropriate measures for cybersecurity.

Information Security Levels

The 3 main network security levels are as follows:

Level 1: Minimal Protection

The first level of cybersecurity ensures that the corporate network remains safe from cyber threats, such as malware and phishing attacks. These may appear as malicious software, links, or files infected with viruses.

Companies that invest in minimal protection are likely to use a firewall but may fail to manage it. In addition to this, their Wi-Fi passwords are shared across the organization, which can pose a threat to their cybersecurity. Therefore, it is essential to have a properly configured firewall protection system along with updated antivirus software. This can be achieved by taking security measures regularly and performing penetration testing and vulnerability assessment. These methods will help ensure that your company’s devices and data remain protected from all sorts of cyber threats that may arise in the future.

Level 2: Advanced Protection

The second level of network security protects corporate networks from non-targeted attacks. This may include spoofing attacks, malware, and even spamming. The main goal of the attacker is to steal confidential information from its victims. Often, mid-size companies remain susceptible to non-targeted attacks. This is because most of them do not adhere to regulatory standards in place. Therefore, they are more likely to encounter cyber attacks compared to any large enterprise.

In addition to firewalls and antivirus, company network security must be protected using the following components:

  • Intrusion Detection (IDS) and Intrusion Prevention System (IPS): They can help detect and store information regarding security events that may occur in the future.
  • Email Security: This includes malware scanning and filtering spam.
  • Network Segmentation: This includes the division of networks by departments using firewalls for protection against cyber threats.

Level 3: Maximal Protection

The main objective of level 3 is to protect corporate networks from targeted attacks. Some examples of such attacks include advanced malware and spear phishing. Most of the time, mid-sized organizations and large enterprises fall victim to these attacks. This is because such companies are more likely to have a large amount of data, such as bank account details, healthcare records, and regulated personal data). Therefore, targeted attacks generate tangible results.

To combat this, Mobiz offers Palo Alto Networks Managed Services for businesses of all sizes. It comes in the form of a physical device as well as a virtual service for real-time threat detection, response, prevention, and security maintenance. Besides, it provides comprehensive and scalable solutions for various organizations, such as:

  • Cloud security management
  • Network monitoring and management
  • Security policy management
  • Security operations center (SOC) services
  • Firewall management
  • Reporting and analytics
  • Vulnerability management

Some of the most effective cybersecurity components you may need for additional protection are as follows:

  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP): This software helps prevent the risk of leakage of critical data, including social security numbers and credit card details.
  • Endpoint Security: This includes devices within the corporate network that can become potential entry points for cyber threats.
  • Security Information and Event Management (SIEM): It works as an effective solution for tracking, collecting, analyzing, and reporting information within the IT environment.

Security for Cloud Environments

With the 7 layers of cyber security in place, companies can secure their cloud assets without any hassle. However, different types of organizations have similar levels of network security risks associated with them. Hence, storing data in the cloud is not just an efficient and cost-effective solution but also helps companies secure their corporate networks. Similarly, Mobiz provides robust strategies to protect cloud assets, such as infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), platform-as-a-service (PaaS), and software-as-a-service (SaaS).

All in All

While cyber security services are essential for companies of all sizes, IT personnel must take extra steps to ensure maximum protection against cyber threats. This may include implementing firewall protection, email security solutions, endpoint security measures, intrusion detection systems (IDS), data loss prevention strategies, and network segmentation. Moreover, companies should conduct awareness programs to educate their employees on best practices for cyber security. With everything in place, you can ensure that your company’s sensitive data and valuable assets remain secure from all types of cyber attacks.

Mobiz: Innovation Centre of Excellence

Mobiz is a global IT company that helps transform organizations by converting vision into reality. With our headquarters in California, we have been serving various organizations for 14 years. Moreover, our delivery centers are situated in multiple regions, which has provided us with an edge to become a 24/7 IT Solutions and Services Company.

We specialize in various domains, from data & AI and ServiceNow to Azure Cloud implementation, cybersecurity, migration, business process automation, digital transformations, advisory services, and hyper-automation. This enables us to achieve our client’s desired outcomes in no time. Besides, we foster a culture of continuous innovation through effective collaboration and our team of well-trained engineers, project managers, and solutions architectures.

Innovation Centre of Excellence

Throughout its journey, Mobiz has consistently delivered innovative solutions to clients worldwide. Building upon our expertise in cloud services, cybersecurity, ServiceNow, Azure Cloud implementation, migration, business process automation, digital transformations, advisory services, and hyper-automation, Mobiz has consistently delivered innovative solutions to clients worldwide.

In addition to these domains, our newly launched Innovation COE (Center of Excellence) is a dedicated unit focused on driving innovation through data and AI. The Innovation COE aims to support and assist organizations by creating tools, frameworks, and processes with the most advanced technology. Moreover, it plays a vital role in improving efficiency through automation. With our comprehensive range of specialized capabilities,

Mobiz is uniquely positioned to provide exceptional value and lead the way in transformative IT solutions.

Features of the Innovative Centre of Excellence (COE)

Here are some of the main features of the Centre of Excellence (COE):

  • Develops solutions for organizations and clients to create new products, services, and business models that effectively utilize emerging technologies.
  • Consults clients and internal teams for leveraging data and AI technology and assists them in meeting their specific business requirements.
  • Facilitates the growth of an innovation-oriented culture that fosters creativity within the team.
  • Seeks technology trends to build partnerships, collaborate with startups and academia, adapt external innovations, and incorporate new ideas, talent, and capabilities.
  • Creates tools, frameworks, and processes to automate internal processes to improve efficiency and quality.
  • Cultivates an innovation culture by fostering organizational excellence in data and AI and aims to encourage creativity, experimentation, and risk-taking within the COE.

The Innovation Centre of Excellence is headed by Mr. Waqas Obeidy. He has garnered 8+ years of experience in artificial intelligence, product development, data engineering, and data analytics. Besides, he excels in developing scalable products, data science, machine learning, creative thinking, problem-solving, and optimization. Having earned his doctoral degree in Human-Computer Interaction from the National University of Malaysia, he has researched “User Acceptance of Wearable Augmented Reality.”

Before starting at Mobiz, he was working as Chief Innovation/Technology Officer (CIO) at The Lorry Online, where he took charge of the Product, Engineering, and Data teams in four different countries and managed a team of 15+ B2B and consumer-driven digital products with more than 1 million users. His extensive experience aligns with the needs of our team, making him a valuable asset for us to achieve sustainable growth and stay ahead in a world full of technological advancements.

The Bottom Line: Unlocking the Potential of Innovation COE for Tech Firms

The Innovation COE is undeniably essential for tech firms, offering a multitude of benefits that extend beyond the development of new products and services. Cultivating organizational capabilities paves the way for long-term growth and success opportunities. At Mobiz, we have you covered! Look no further than our Innovation Centre of Excellence (COE) to leverage new technologies without the need for physical infrastructure in your business operations. Our highly skilled professionals are ready to provide the support and assistance you require. Reach out to us today and discover the possibilities.

Cloud Transformation: 5 Phases of Cloud Migration

Nowadays, businesses around the world are embracing innovative technologies for higher growth and greater success. As part of their digital transformation, companies are leveraging all the benefits of cloud computing to stay ahead of the competition. From small businesses to large enterprises, every organization is looking for cloud service providers like Mobiz, a Microsoft solution partner that provides cloud migration services to customers around the globe. This enables companies to streamline their operations, reduce costs, enhance scalability, and unlock new opportunities for collaboration. In this blog, we will introduce the five phases of cloud migration to help businesses navigate this process effectively.

Cloud Migration Phases 

Cloud migration requires careful planning and execution to securely move data and applications to the cloud. The phases of migration of cloud are as follows: 

Phase 1: Plan 

Planning is the first step in cloud migration. It requires enterprises to create a blueprint before establishing a working foundation for the cloud. To make it easier, Mobiz leverages Terraform and the Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF) to design the desired state of the cloud infrastructure (Landing Zone) and generate a plan for migrating to the cloud. This involves creating Terraform configuration files that specify the cloud resources needed for the migration, such as virtual machines, storage, and networking. 

Phase 2: Review 

Now that you have planned your cloud migration strategy, it is time to identify and resolve all the potential issues that may arise during the process. This may require you to measure app performance and ask for feedback from customers to validate the migration. You can make use of tools such as Terraform and Azure Migrate to discover, test and validate the migration plan before executing it. Then, create a test environment that simulates the target cloud environment. deploying the Terraform configuration files to this environment to detect and troubleshoot potential issues. 

Phase 3: Optimize 

The next step is to analyze cloud resource allocation. Then, rescale your environment to reduce the number of costs associated with it. In this case, Mobiz will assist you to monitor and manage cloud resources, optimize workload placement, and automate processes to improve performance. For example, Terraform automations can be used to scale up or down the number of virtual machines in response to changes in workload demand, or to automate the deployment of new software updates to the cloud environment. 

Phase 4: Modernize 

Businesses must remain efficient and productive to meet their ever-changing needs and requirements. Digital transformation and application optimization ensure that your company generates smart, data-driven decisions. To achieve this, Mobiz can help organizations deploy new cloud-native applications or migrate legacy applications to the cloud. This involves using Terraform automations to create the necessary cloud resources, such as container clusters or serverless functions, and configuring them to run the application code. 

Phase 5: Measure 

Once you have completed the first 4 phases of cloud migration, the last step is to optimize applications and infrastructure for a better customer experience and to control costs. Mobiz will show you how to monitor and analyze the performance of applications and infrastructure in real time, identify areas for improvement, and drive continuous optimization. This involves using Terraform automations and other tools to collect data on application and infrastructure performance, and then using this data to make informed decisions about optimizing the cloud environment. 

How Mobiz Can Help Navigate Your Cloud Transformation Journey 

In addition to cloud operations service, Mobiz offers cloud migration solutions to simplify the migration process. Our team of highly skilled cloud architects will assess your application and infrastructure to ensure that everything remains up-to-date and free from complexities. With advanced cloud migration tools and techniques in place, your migration journey will be seamless and hassle-free. 

What is Infrastructure as a Service?

As your business considers migrating to the cloud, think about Infrastructure as a Service.

Infrastructure as a Service – Delivering Without Physical Servers

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) describes a common delivery model for cloud services where businesses rent or lease servers for computing power or storage in the cloud. With IaaS, a user can run any operating system or application they want and through cloud delivery they can ignore maintenance and operating costs. This makes IaaS delivery much more efficient and cheaper to run for an enterprise as opposed to owning and operating its own network infrastructure. Other benefits?

  • Cost Savings – The most important reason businesses choose IaaS is cost. When infrastructure is provided at an as-needed basis, businesses no longer need to plan for expanded abilities in the future in order to satisfy the needs of the present. IaaS also reduces maintenance and service costs.
  • Easier Scaling – A business looking to add capability quickly to take advantage of a new business opportunity, expand to a new market, or to handle exponential growth will need additional network resources to handle more users and more data. IaaS can quickly scale resources up or down depending on demand and immediate needs.
  • Disaster Recovery – With cloud services operating in multiple locations, businesses can access data and applications during outages or to recover from disasters. IaaS can be combined with automated procedures to ensure consistent data backups making recovery very quick and simple.
  • Test Environments – New applications can be tested without adding the additional infrastructure needed to support it.

How is IaaS Different From Other Cloud Delivery Models?

Of the three most common cloud delivery options, IaaS models allow for the most customization. The enterprise leases only the hardware (networking equipment, data center space, storage, and physical servers) but maintains all other components of the technology such as applications, data, operating systems, etc. This allows the enterprise to establish total control over how the network is being used without having to purchase or own the actual hardware used to access it.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

This model has the cloud provider managing the entire technology stack while the subscriber pays a monthly fee to access software through the cloud. While this may be a good option for smaller enterprises, it may not be a viable long term option for large enterprises needing control of resources.

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

This model expands on SaaS to include a platform that incorporates the operating system, middleware, and runtime. The subscriber can still choose what applications they run and this model generally is more of a scalable option.

We Make Sure You Get the Most out of the Cloud

At MOBIZ, our goal is to make sure you do business better and when you are ready to leverage all the benefits the could has to offer, we’ll be there with expert services and advice designed specifically to your needs. How?

Content Delivery – Cloud platforms are perfect vehicles for delivering applications to diverse teams, especially those in different geographical locations. We can help keep your teams connected  around the country while ensuring they don’t have any performance issues.

Monitoring and auditing – IaaS is never a static solution, it needs to be monitored and assessed periodically to make sure it is satisfying networking needs. And because security is always a concern, the MOBIZ team is available to assist you in keeping you data and applications safe.

Scaling – One of the greatest benefits of IaaS is its ability to scale as your business scales. But while this seems like a simple management issue, knowing how and when to scale is extremely important. Through expert traffic monitoring and by leveraging our established relationships with cloud providers, you will never be left in the dark or hampered by unexpected downtime.

Testing – Expansion is never easy and the same goes for your network infrastructures. Growth management needs to include the use of technology and with Iaas you not only get a scalable network tool, but the opportunity to test expanded networks. This gives you the capability to catch any issues and plan for them well before they go live.

If your enterprise is considering cloud computing, reach out to MOBIZ today. We can help you unlock the potential of IaaS and plan for a successful transition.

Cybersecurity 101: Understanding the 7 Layers of IT Security

Cybersecurity 101: Understanding the 7 Layers of IT Security

Cybersecurity 101: Understanding the 7 Layers of IT Security

Digitization has paved new ways for businesses to be more profitable over time. From increased productivity to faster access to information, it has transformed our business processes in more than just one way. However, it comes with a set of disadvantages that should be taken care of. Whether you are running an IT firm, a healthcare company, or a retail brand, you must ensure that your network and cloud systems remain protected from all sorts of risks and threats in the digital world. As of 2022, the cost of data breaches is calculated to be $9.44M on average. With the growing dependency on technology, businesses and organizations have become vulnerable to a wide range of cybersecurity attacks. To prevent these issues, businesses need to understand the significance of cybersecurity and ensure that all 7 layers of network security are in place.

Importance of Cybersecurity for Businesses

According to Verizon’s 2022 Data Breach Investigations Report, the most common threat vector is the human element as it can cause up to 82% of data breaches. It may show up as stolen credentials or phishing attacks via emails. Even data leaks can lead to identity theft, which can negatively affect the brand’s reputation within a split second. Therefore, whether you own a small business or a large enterprise, you must incorporate all the preventative measures to reduce the risk of cybersecurity threats to your systems and data security.

7 Layers of Cyber Security

Many people consider cybersecurity as a single layer of technology. However, it comprises a total of 7 layers. So, let’s explore them one by one:

Mission Critical Assets

Mission critical assets is the most significant of all cybersecurity layers as it consists of critical data; hence, it should always remain protected from cybersecurity risks. It may include applications, servers, and databases that are vital to the organization. For this reason, you need to have an incident response plan in place to avoid the possibility of security breaches in the future.

Data Security

As the term implies, data security refers to the storage, backup, transfer, and duplication of data for protection against various cybercrimes. It can be in the form of frequent backups, file and disc encryption, enterprise rights management, two-factor authentication, and rules that ensure data disposal.

Application Security

This layer includes the process of software application code and data configuration and designing while safeguarding it against cyberattacks. In addition to this, its features include authorization, authentication, encryption, application security testing, and logging. It helps identify, resolve, and prevent cybersecurity issues that may arise within the application.

Endpoint Security

Endpoint security ensures that the user devices’ endpoints, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktops remain protected from breaches. Depending on the needs of the organization, these systems can work on the network as well as the cloud. Besides, it can monitor and safeguard various endpoints within the network.

Network Security

Network security protects both hardware and software by enforcing security procedures and policies.  The goal of network security is to detect security threats and block the access of unauthorized users and devices to the business’s network. Some of the most commonly used security measures include cloud security, intrusion detection software, VPNs, and firewall protection.

Perimeter Security

Perimeter security is responsible for controlling unauthorized users’ access to the network through gateways and routers. In addition, it safeguards the network’s boundaries by enforcing VPN for remote access, incorporating strong firewall settings, network monitoring, vulnerability management, data encryption, and secured devices.

Human Layer

The human layer is one of the most significant parts of the cybersecurity layers. It includes human management controls to keep the business’s security in check and avoid the risk of cyberattacks and other malicious activities within the organization.

Mobiz Offerings

Mobiz offers a wide array of cybersecurity services for businesses of all sizes to protect their companies from various cyber risks and threats. From network security, cloud security, and remote network and users to incident management, DevSecOps, and NetSecOps, you can count on us to protect your online assets. So, as long as you have cybersecurity domains in place, you don’t need to worry about encountering cybersecurity attacks in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 5 stages of the cyber security lifecycle?

The 5 stages of cybersecurity are as follows:

Stage 1: Identify: To understand the assets, systems, and people within the network and its security.

Stage 2: Protect: To defend the online assets and data of the organization.

Stage 3: Detect: To look for breaches and various cybersecurity events that your business may encounter.

Stage 4: Respond: To take action against a breach or an anomaly.

Stage 5: Recover: To set up the practices for restoring the system’s functionality.

What is layer 4 vs layer 7 load balancing?

The main difference between layer 4 and layer 7 load balancing is that layer 4 makes use of a TCP connection from the client to the server. Whereas layer 7 makes use of two TCP connections between the client and server. Besides, layer 4 performs load balancing according to its built-in software algorithm, whilst layer 7 uses the content of the data to produce informed load balances. Another difference between the two is that layer 7 is applicable for microservices yet layer 4 is inapplicable to microservices.

Microsoft cloud leader Scott Guthrie says companies aren’t holding off on cloud spending as inflation mounts

Published by: CNBC

Despite an uncertain economy with looming fears of a recession, Microsoft’s top cloud executive Scott Guthrie has not seen organizations slow their efforts to move software programs to the cloud in the past few months.

His remarks suggest demand remains strong for cloud computing services that a handful of large technology companies provide to governments, schools, and businesses.

Slower consumer spending is sparking fears that a recession may be on the way. In July and August, retailers such as Dollar Tree and Walmart lowered their profit estimates to reflect consumers becoming more careful with their money because of higher prices for food, gas and other products.

Businesses are slowing spending on some types of software in anticipation.

Cloud software makers UiPath and Veeva have called for lower revenue in the quarters ahead because of a strengthening U.S. dollar and challenging economic conditions. Budget discussions are taking longer, and top executives are getting roped into conversations about deals, Rob Enslin, a co-CEO of UiPath, told analysts on a conference call last month.

But Guthrie said that doesn’t seem to be the case with Azure, Microsoft’s cloud infrastructure service.

“I’ve not seen the current situation cause people to pause cloud,” said Guthrie, executive vice president of Microsoft’s cloud and artificial-intelligence group, in an interview with CNBC.

An energy crisis has broken out across Europe this year following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, with Russia claiming that sanctions led to pumping issues. The price of gasoline and electricity shot up. Executives responsible for information technology have taken notice.

“Are we seeing people accelerate to the cloud because of the energy crisis? I think the answer is definitely yes,” Guthrie said. “Similar to Covid, I think what we saw with Covid at the beginning, in particular.”

Guthrie said he hasn’t heard companies saying they would slow their use of cloud computing because of the higher energy costs.

“If you think about the current situation in Europe right now, where the energy prices are going up dramatically, if you can reduce your workloads on prem, and you can move it to our cloud quickly, you can reduce the power draw you need, and that translates into real economic savings,” he said.

That’s been a discussion topic among executives at Paris-based health care company Sanofi, which uses cloud services from AmazonGoogle and Microsoft. “We saw increases in energy costs upward of 65% in some regions year over year,” said Sam Chenaur, vice president and global head of infrastructure and cloud at Sanofi.

A metric of efficiency called power-usage effectiveness, or PUE — the energy required for a facility divided by the energy used for computing — is very high at Sanofi, while it’s much lower for Azure, Chenaur said. Microsoft’s global PUE number works out to 1.18, according to a recent blog post.

“If anything, I think from a data center migration perspective, the cloud economics are a lot more compelling now than they probably were even in years past, and they were already compelling, you know,” Guthrie said.

Sanofi began a major transition to the cloud 18 months ago, becoming more reliant on cloud-based virtual desktops that contractors and employees could use from any computer after Covid began, Chenaur said. Now Sanofi intends to add Azure resources in five locations around the world, said Hamad Riaz, CEO of Mobiz, a technology services provider working with Sanofi.

“I would say that we are on a quest to lower overall costs in IT, so we can free that money up, so we can develop more drugs and medicines for patients,” he said.

Other companies might look to cloud to deliver more services because of higher demand in a recession. For example, Zoom Video Communications, which competes with Microsoft’s Teams communication app, leaned on cloud to deal with millions of new users who wanted to hold Zoom video calls in 2020.

“I think we are going to see different companies in different geos kind of respond to challenges, and not just the energy crisis, but if you think about supply chain and a lot of the supply chain reconfiguration that’s happening around the world, or when you think about inflation and interest rates,” Guthrie said.

Still, not every company is moving to the cloud as quickly, because many are facing financial difficulties, Guthrie said. CoinbaseSnap and Shopify are among the companies that have each cut at least 1,000 employees this year. Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong told employees in June that a recession seemed to be starting, and a recession could kick off a new bear market in digital currencies.

Meanwhile, Microsoft’s finance chief, Amy Hood, was more cautious on the company’s earnings call in July. She told analysts to expect Azure growth to slow to 43% in constant currency from 46% in the second quarter. Microsoft is not immune from current economic forces, CEO Satya Nadella said.


Published by: CNBC