Cloud Security Managed Services

Keep Your Cloud Safe. Always & Everywhere.

Let's Talk

Mobiz - Your Trusted Cloud Security Service Provider

We take pride in providing the industry’s most comprehensive security and compliance coverage for cloud-native technology with Palo Alto Cloud Prisma. We offer a unified, cloud-native security platform that ensures your data and applications are secure and protected in hybrid and multi-cloud environments.

Our cloud security services are designed to safeguard cloud-native applications and data across different platforms, including hosts, containers, serverless deployments, and storage, among others. Being one of the leading cloud security solution providers, we dynamically discover resources as they are deployed, and this correlation is vital for preventing any gaps in your security coverage.

Our team of cloud security providers uses various data sources to ensure that your cloud applications are protected. By relying on Prisma Cloud Palo Alto, we leverage cloud resource configurations, flow logs, audit logs, host and container logs to provide security and compliance insights that cover your entire cloud-native technology stack. Our service also ensures that your cloud applications are compliant with the latest security standards and regulations.

We take pride in providing the broadest security and compliance coverage for the entire cloud-native technology stack with the cutting-edge Palo Alto Prisma Cloud solution. Whether you’re using PaaS, IaaS, or SaaS offerings, our cloud security ensures that your data and applications are secure, regardless of the cloud platform.

Automated Cloud Management: Provisioning, Configuration, & More

Our automated Prisma Cloud Palo Alto cloud protection service and incident management make deploying and managing your cloud environment easy. Provisioning, configuration, and lifecycle management are all taken care of, so you can focus on what matters most: your business.

Streamline Your CI/CD Pipeline with Terraform and GitHub Actions

As a top IT firm, our cutting-edge CI/CD pipeline is powered by Terraform Infrastructure-as-Code scripts and GitHub Actions. This allows you to manage your cloud services infrastructure with ease, from provisioning to deployment and beyond.

Rapid Remediation with Seamless Security Orchestration

Being one of the cutting-edge cloud security service providers, our seamless integration with security orchestration tools ensures vulnerabilities are remediated as quickly as possible. With deep context-sharing across your entire environment, you’ll never have to worry about falling behind.

Complete Context-Sharing: Infrastructure, PaaS, Users, and More

Deep context-sharing is key to ensuring a secure and compliant cloud environment. That’s why our service spans everything from infrastructure and PaaS to users, development platforms, data, and application workloads.

Advanced Threat Prevention with Machine Learning

Our cutting-edge machine learning technology conducts cloud assessment, profiles user, workload, and app behaviors to prevent advanced threats. Stay ahead of the game with the most advanced security solutions available.

Simplified Compliance with the Industry's Most Complete Library of Frameworks

Compliance can be a headache, but it doesn’t have to be. Our advisory service offers the industry’s most complete library of compliance frameworks, so you can rest easy knowing your cloud environment is always up to code.

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We Can Build the Ultimate Shield For You With Our Cloud Protection Service.

Reach out to our cloud security experts and develop a collaborative solution with the right Palo Alto Prisma Cloud pricing that fits your budget.

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