In today’s age of digital transformation, cybersecurity frameworks have become necessary for organizations to secure their networks, devices, systems, and software. This is because cybersecurity frameworks provide best practices for assessing risk tolerance and implementing controls. However, choosing the most suitable one can be challenging for each organization. It may require evaluating your chosen framework’s specifications to ensure it aligns with your business objectives and compliances. To make it easier, we have shortlisted the best cybersecurity frameworks in this blog. Keep reading till the end to find out which one suits you best.
Cybersecurity Frameworks 101
A cybersecurity framework is a standardized reference that facilitates security leaders in different countries and industries to understand their security postures and assess those of their vendors. Implementing a framework allows organizations to define specific processes and procedures for effectively assessing, monitoring, and mitigating cybersecurity risks.
Now, let’s examine seven commonly employed cybersecurity frameworks.
List of Cybersecurity Frameworks in 2023
Here is a cybersecurity frameworks list, featuring the top 5 options to choose from:
Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM)
The CCM is a comprehensive framework for cloud computing, comprising 197 control objectives thoughtfully arranged into 17 domains dedicated exclusively to this field. These 17 domains encompass:
- Audit & Assurance
- Datacenter Security
- Universal Endpoint Management
- Application & Interface Security
- Business Continuity Management & Operational Resilience
- Change Control & Configuration Management
- Data Security & Privacy Lifecycle Management
- Supply Chain Management, Transparency & Accountability
- Governance, Risk Management & Compliance
- Human Resources
- Identity & Access Management
- Infrastructure & Virtualization Security
- Logging & Cybersecurity Monitoring
- Interoperability & Portability
- Security Incident Management, E-Discovery, & Cloud Forensics
- Threat & Vulnerability Management
- Cryptography, Encryption & Key Management
Within each domain, this cybersecurity control framework meticulously outlines a set of controls and specifications, facilitating organizations in establishing a robust and compliant security program.
European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) National Capabilities Assessment Framework
The ENISA National Capabilities Assessment Framework was introduced on December 7, 2020, and offers Member States a valuable tool for conducting self-assessments to determine their cybersecurity maturity level. This framework enables countries to evaluate their cybersecurity capabilities and provides essential guidance for crafting effective national strategies. The benefits of engaging in a national assessment include:
- Promotion of transparency in the public image
- Informative insights for developing long-term strategies
- Identification of gaps in existing cybersecurity programs
- Assistance in anticipating and addressing future cybersecurity challenges
- Opportunities to strengthen and enhance cybersecurity capabilities
- Establishment of public and international credibility
- Evaluation of National Cybersecurity Capabilities
- Identification of valuable lessons learned and best practices
- Support for political accountability
- Establishment of a cybersecurity baseline across the EY (European Union)
By leveraging this framework, countries can proactively improve their cybersecurity posture and foster a secure digital environment.
International Telecommunications Union (ITU) National Cybersecurity/ Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIIP)
Acknowledging the growing importance of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for national security, economic prosperity, and social cohesion, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has established its Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIIP) as a model for distributing cybersecurity responsibilities among various stakeholders, including government, businesses, organizations, and individual users.
The CIIP outlines essential elements that a comprehensive national cybersecurity strategy should incorporate:
- Establish cybercrime authorities and enforce cybersecurity measures effectively
- Implement cybersecurity plan, promote awareness, support outreach, enhance capabilities, research
- Encourage cooperation, and info sharing between government and private sector
- Identify entities, develop tools, assess cybersecurity effectiveness
By incorporating these key elements, a nation can strengthen its cybersecurity posture and protect critical information infrastructure against emerging threats.
Internet of Things (IoT) Security Foundation (IoTSF) Security Compliance Framework
The IoTSF operates as a non-profit international organization. This cybersecurity compliance framework fosters collaboration among IoT security professionals, IoT hardware and software product vendors, network providers, system specifiers, integrators, distributors, retailers, insurers, local authorities, and government agencies.
Their main objective is enhancing IoT security during the design phase to mitigate potential financial and brand reputation risks. Released in May 2020, this cyber risk framework employs a risk-based approach to compliance, with a specific focus on addressing six key issues:
- Customer-Centric Safety and Security
- Strong Management Governance
- Secure Network Infrastructure and Applications
- Security-Driven Engineering
- Trustworthy Production Processes and Supply Chains
- Robust Cryptography
North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC)
NERC, a non-profit international regulatory authority, is dedicated to effectively and efficiently reducing risks in the grid system. It holds jurisdiction over bulk power system users, owners, and operators.
Currently, NERC has approved 19 security guidelines covering the following critical areas:
- Cloud computing
- Vendor risk management lifecycle
- Control systems’ electronic connectivity
- Open-source software
- Physical security response
- Physical security
- Provenance
- Secure equipment delivery
- Cloud solutions and encrypting
- Risk management life cycle
- Vendor incident response
These comprehensive guidelines aim to bolster the security and resilience of the power grid system.
How Mobiz Helps Companies Incorporate Cybersecurity
Mobiz is a cybersecurity services provider that enables businesses to choose the best cybersecurity framework. We have a team of highly skilled professionals who perform cybersecurity framework comparisons to help companies make the right decision without any hassle.
Our expert network security consultants identify risks and vulnerabilities associated with cybersecurity frameworks and increase your business’s overall profitability by minimizing the risk of downtime and potential damages that can lead to a financial loss. So, if you want to conclude your search for the best cybersecurity framework, contact us, and we will find a suitable choice for your business.
Final Thoughts
In the modern digital landscape, cybersecurity frameworks have become indispensable tools for organizations seeking to protect their networks, systems, and devices. These frameworks offer best practices for assessing risk and implementing controls, but selecting the right one can be challenging. This blog explores seven popular frameworks, including the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) Cloud Controls Matrix, ENISA National Capabilities Assessment Framework, ITU National Cybersecurity/CIIP, IoTSF Security Compliance Framework, and NERC guidelines. Organizations can improve their security postures and align with industry standards by understanding these frameworks. Adhering to these guidelines ensures compliance, enhances resilience, and safeguards against emerging cyber threats, providing a secure digital future.
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